Friday, July 17, 2009

Film Geeks - Episode 43

Title: EPISODE43 - So This Is What's It's Like When Geeks Cry

Episode Notes: The geeks talk about all the movies that came out this week at the box office!!! wait...the geeks talk about what were the saddest movies they ever saw. But, some movie news is back!

Sorry about the audio quality, Briney was experiencing some technical difficulties.

Listen to the show here -

List to other shows here -

Movie News
GI Joe - Dud?
Ghost Rider 2 and Nick Cage looking like a huge douche!
Thor movie update
Who will be Green Lantern?
3D up the wazoo!
See Plan 9 From Outer Space...ON THE BIG SCREEN!

Saddest Movies

- Saving Private Ryan
- E.T.
- Passion Of The Christ
- The Notebook
- Pay It Forward
- American Beauty
- The Elephant Man
- Old Yeller
- A Beautiful Life
- Field Of Dreams
- Brian's Song
- Joseph - The Bible Series
- Never Ending Story
- Click
- Charloette's Web
- Ladder 51

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Film Geeks - Episode 42

EPISODE42 - Geeks Of Oz - Terminators, Transformers, And Treks...Oh My!

Episode Notes: This week the geeks talk about Transformers 2 and their thoughts. Also they will be going back to two of the most talked about movies this summer - Star Trek and Terminator 4.

Listen to the show here -

Listen to other shows here -

Film Geeks is also listed on iTunes and they even have a Twitter account...before it was cool!

Check the right side of the page for other links!