Title: EPISODE39 - You Are Geeking Kidding Me!
Episode Notes: Movie news, Is The Spirit worse Battlefield Earth?, and a really fun gripe session.
Download the episode here - http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-14391/TS-176930.mp3
Download other episodes here - http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/14391
Movie News
- Next Jack Ryan movie will NOT be based on a book
- Watchman stopped from release...for now
- New Tron movie already started casting
- Green Hornet movie on hold
- Frank Miller may write Buck Rogers movie
- Judge Dredd might return to theaters
Follow up:
The Spirit
Unbelievable Movie Moments
- Harriers still work - Battlefield Earth*
- 1024 bit encryption broken in 1 minute - Swordfish*
- Monkeys hate commiest - Indy 4*
- Run from the wind - The Happening*
- Aliens that die from water come to Earth - Signs*
- Send a blind woman to get help - The Village*
- Underhand toss strikes out pro player - Rookie Of The Year*
- No one on a train in NYC will tell who Spider-Man is - Spider-Man 2*
- Aliens are some chick's father so as to not scare her - Contact*
- You can jump anything over anything - Speed*
- You can beat a raptor with gymnastics - The Lost World*
- 666 is 999 in your dreams and if you add a 1 to it you get the year 1999 - End Of Days*
- What happens when a frog gets struck by lightning? Same thing as everything - X-Men*
- The definition of "pain" changes - Roadhouse*
- You can survive explositions - War of the Worlds (2005)*
- Aliens travel in lightning - War of the Worlds (2005)*
- Julia Roberts plays Julia Roberts - Ocean's 12*
- Immortals are aliens - Highlander II (Original Cut)*
- Flying car - Grease*
- "evil" Peter Parker - Spider-Man 3*
- Captain doesn't fire on the Black Pearl - Pirates 3*
- Walking from PA to NYC in the snow on foot - Day After Tomorrow*
- Knock off a bomb with a car flip and a crane hook - Transporter 2*
- Housewife is old superhero - Hancock*
- Fridge nuke - Indy 4*
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